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13 May 2021
Joan Waters certainly has a long connection with VMCH and Corpus Christi in Clayton. She has been involved with the organisation as a volunteer, then as a resident at both Corpus Christi’s retirement village and aged care residence.
It was around 15 years ago that Joan first saw Corpus Christi Aged Care Residence, however it was in the early stages of being built. At the time, she was volunteering at the Kingston Centre, singing songs with her friend Pat, who played the piano. They performed for many different boards, groups and visitors.
As she watched the residence continue to grow, she thought it might be a nice place to volunteer, as it was a lot closer to her home.
Once Corpus Christi Aged Care Residence opened, 15 years ago, Joan began to volunteer, still singing well-known songs with Pat.
It was while she was volunteering there one day that she saw the turning of the sod event for the soon-to-be-built Corpus Christi Retirement Village next door.
“I thought, that would be a nice place for us to live. I told my husband Kevin, who didn’t really want to move to a retirement village – but he did. And he enjoyed living there!”
Joan and Kevin bought in the first round of units, and enjoyed their time in the village, attending as many of the activities at the Community Centre that they could. Joan would also sing at many of the occasions, as she loved being involved.
“Kevin looked after the veggie garden, which was a great source of silver beet. All the residents would come and get it, as well as all the other different things he managed to grow.”
Joan and Kevin both lived at the village for around eight years, with Kevin caring for Joan as her mobility and health became worse. Kevin then developed cancer, and whilst needing to undertake treatment, Joan attending the aged care residence for respite and care. Unfortunately, Kevin’s treatment was unsuccessful, and he passed away in late 2019. Joan then became a permanent resident within Corpus Christi Aged Care Residence.
“While sometimes I would prefer to live on my own, and it wasn’t my choice to move, I do like living here. There comes a time when you have to think about how you want to live, sometimes moving is all that you can do.
At Corpus Christi, Joan is able to continue her commitment to attending Mass.
“I went to daily Mass as a child, every morning, so I still go now. My father worked away, so I was mum’s companion, and I went with her to mass every day.”
Joan watches Mass streamed from the Village Community Centre, as well as attending Mass twice a week in the residence.
“Other than mass, I go to what I can. High tea, bingo, concerts, anything that I’m able to go to. The staff are very good here, someone is always able to take me there.”
“There’s always something on – which is nice.”
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For more information about Corpus Christi Aged Care Residence, Clayton, visit our website or call us on 1300 698 624.
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Written by VMCH – May 13, 2021 – View a range of our articles here.
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