Employer Partners Program
Partner with us, make a difference!
Providing meaningful opportunities for people with disability.
Did you know that there are 2.1 million Australians of working age with disability? Of these, just under half are employed (47.8%), compared with 80.3% of people without disability.
Let’s change this statistic together!
Partner with us to provide meaningful opportunities for people with disability through our Job Skills and Employment Pathways initiatives by providing real life work experience, and traineeships.
Together we can make a real difference to the lives of people with disability, creating a diverse workforce and promoting an inclusive culture and community.
What do we offer Employment Partners?
Job ready employees
Our clients come to you upon completion of our Employment Pathways Program where they have learnt job ready skills to successfully commence work. Our program teaches people about employer expectations and work conditions, such as working in a team, punctuality, occupational health and safety, and navigating a real workplace environment.
Support for clients at work
Each client will be supported on the job by one of our Employment Support Mentors who will work closely with you and our client. They will ensure that your new employee understands the tasks of the job and how to complete them successfully, learn your processes and understand expectations in the workplace.
The Employment Support Mentor will work alongside your new employee until they can work independently and have learnt all the functions of the job.
Ongoing support is provided via regular check-in’s with you and your employee to make sure they are working well and if they need further one to one direct support.
Training and education
By employing our clients you have the opportunity to take up free training on diversity and inclusion for your workforce. We will provide training for your employees, which includes information about the importance of an inclusive workplace culture and how to support people with disability at work. We can provide in-person training if required.
Our Employee Support Mentor can also work with your teams and answer questions on site.
Targeted recruitment
The VMCH Employment Pathways team can recruit the right candidate for your vacancy. Contact the team as your first point of call for your vacancies before spending time and money on recruitment advertising. We will aim to find you the right match and provide an employee who is passionate, hard-working and an asset to your team.
We have employees ready for work in the following service sectors
Gardening and maintenance
in Ararat, Shepparton, Melbourne and Wangaratta
in Melbourne, Torquay and Wangaratta
in Melbourne
Speak to our Customer Service team
Find out more about the Employment Partners Program and the fantastic opportunities to grow your business and provide an opportunity to change someone’s life.
Phone VMCH
Email VMCH