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The NDIS supports people with a permanent and significant disability that affects their ability to enjoy everyday life. It gives participants more choice and control over how, when and where their supports are provided.
You need to meet certain requirements to qualify for an individual support plan when it becomes available in the area where you live. Eligibility requirements include: A participant must have a permanent disability that significantly affects their ability to take part in everyday activities You need to be aged less than 65 when you first access the scheme You must also be an Australian citizen, live in Australia and hold a permanent visa or a Protected Special Category Visa. For more information on access requirements go to the NDIS Access Eligibility Checklist web page.
Early intervention requirements include: Child has an impairment or condition that is likely to be permanent Child is under six years with a developmental delay which results in substantially reduced functional capacity in one or more areas of self-care, language, cognitive and motor development There is evidence that getting supports now will help a child by reducing how much assistance they will need in the future, it will help family and carers keep helping the child. The NDIS website also has more information about early intervention access requirements.
The NDIS takes a flexible, whole-of-life approach to working with individuals and their family to develop a plan about what support they need to enjoy life, live independently and achieve their goals. It provides participants with more choice and control over how, when and where their supports are provided. It also provides certainty that they will receive support over their lifetime.
The NDIS will fund reasonable and necessary supports that help participants achieve their goals. This may include: Daily personal activities Transport to participate in community, social, economic and daily life activities Workplace help so a participant can successfully gain or keep employment Therapeutic supports including behaviour support Help with household tasks Help from a person skilled in aids or equipment assessment, set up and training. Home modification design and installation, mobility equipment, vehicle modifications.
Under the NDIS Act, a support will not be funded if it: Is not related to the participant’s disability Duplicates other supports already funded by a different mechanism through the NDIS Relates to day to day living costs that are not related to a participant’s support needs, or Is likely to cause harm to the participant or pose a risk to others.
We have staff who are experts in the planning process. They can provide advice to assist you to make the most of your plan. The NDIA has prepared the NDIS Planning Workbook, which can be found on the NDIS website: www.ndis.gov.au/participants/planning-process
Call our NDIS experts today on 1300 698 624 or email hello@vmch.com.au
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