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7 September 2023
The Multicultural Wellness Centre (MWC) opened in April 2016 in the Eastern Melbourne suburb of Wantirna.
The centre offers a safe space for people over 65 years of age from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds to come together in a warm and friendly environment.
With social activities such as cooking demonstrations, Tai Chi, exercise classes and cultural events, there’s something for everyone at the Multicultural Wellness Centre.
There are also many educational benefits, with regular information sessions from our Allied Health team on offer, along with podiatry, physiotherapy, dietetics and occupational therapy services.
Like many others, the Multicultural Wellness Centre team was forced to move online during the Covid-19 lockdowns.
Whilst weekly Zoom sessions and hamper deliveries were provided for clients, it wasn’t quite the same as meeting in person – in fact, many clients of the MWC joined the group to alleviate social isolation.
Lyn Lane has been a member of the Multicultural Wellness Centre for almost two years. After her husband passed away, Lyn felt isolated and vulnerable, and was in search of a way to re-connect with the community.
“I was isolating myself at home,” she says. “I wanted to get out of the house, rather than stay inside and watch TV all day. My doctor told me to meet new people and try new activities.”
Loneliness is a common feeling amongst older Australians – in fact, those aged 75 years and older are the most likely age group to experience loneliness.
For culturally and linguistically diverse older people, it’s even more common. Many studies confirm that isolation – including practical, social and emotional loneliness is a common outcome for CALD individuals.
There are many reasons for this, including a perception that their sociocultural difference from the wider population is not valued. As a result, these individuals can struggle with a sense of belonging.
The aim of our Multicultural Wellness Centre is to bring these likeminded people together to form an inclusive and welcoming community that provides a sense of purpose.
Participating in group activities has been found to reduce loneliness and increase happiness when living in the host country, particularly among older immigrants.
Lyn found the MWC through My Aged Care (MAC) and attends the Filipino group on a weekly basis.
Since I’ve started here, I felt good straight away. I have the most fun here and I get along with everyone. I’ve made so many friends.
“It’s very important for me because it’s making me happy to talk to some new people. And to get out in the house rather than to isolate myself – it’s very good for me.”
Shantilal Herad joined the MWC in 2022. Like Lyn, Shantilal was looking to meet like-minded people to socialise with and ward off his loneliness.
Having lived in Sri Lanka for most of his life, Shantilal was told that moving to Australia was a chance for “a new beginning”. Despite having high hopes for a fresh start, he struggled to find his place in the community and found himself feeling quite isolated.
After discovering the Multicultural Wellness Centre through My Aged Care, things turned around for Shantilal.
“I immediately was able to socialise with everyone at the centre, to make friends with them.” he says.
Being part of the same community, there are no barriers to start with. We are able to communicate with each other, talk to each other, laugh together.”
Shantilal attends our Sri Lankan group once a week. Not only has this helped with his feelings of isolation, but Shantilal has found himself feeling much more connected to his Sri Lankan heritage.
“Being here brings up a lot of memories for me,” he says. “We listen to a lot of Sri Lankan music and tend to talk about certain areas we’ve visited. The culture brings us together, Sri Lankan culture.”
The Multicultural Wellness Centre is open Monday – Friday and currently offers Filipino, Chinese or Sri Lankan groups. For more information, please visit our website or phone 1300 698 624.
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