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VMCH has established Consumer Advisory Committees for both our Residential Aged Care residents and At-Home Aged Care clients.
Being part of a Consumer Advisory Committee is a powerful opportunity to have your voice heard and to help shape the services that VMCH provides. We value your feedback and will use it to inform and improve the services we offer to you and others in our care.
The Consumer Advisory Committees meet four times a year, both in person and online.
If you are a VMCH resident, client, or a representative of a resident or client, and would like to join one of our Committees, you can download an Expression of Interest form. Please email it to cosec@vmch.com.au or give a printed copy to your Residential Services Manager or Care Manager who can email it to cosec@vmch.com.au on your behalf.
Thank you for expressing interest in joining one of VMCH’s Consumer Advisory Committees. Our goal is to create a diverse membership by selecting members from various backgrounds and across different services. Your feedback will play a crucial role in enhancing our services.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to your Residential Services Manager or Care Manager. You can also contact VMCH by emailing us at cosec@vmch.com.au.
Title SelectMrMrsMsOther
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone number
Preferred method of contact SelectEmailPhoneLetterThrough my Residential Services Manager / Care Manager
Name of Residential Services Manager/Care Manager
I am:
A resident at a VMCH Residential Aged Care site
Name of VMCH Aged Care Residence
A client of VMCH's At-Home Aged Care services
Type of service (e.g. CHSP, HCP)
A relative or representative of a VMCH resident or client
Relationship to VMCH resident or client
Resident Aged Care Provider name/Type of service
Gender SelectMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to say
Cultural background
Your preference for attending committee meetings SelectOnlineIn person (East Melbourne)
Why are you interested in becoming a member of a VMCH Consumer Advisory Committee?
What skills, experience or background will help you participate in discussions at Committee meetings?
Do you have access to a computer and the internet? SelectYesNo
The Committee meetings will be held in English. Will you need an interpreter to participate in Committee meetings? If so, what language interpreter would you require?
Privacy: VMCH collects, uses and discloses personal information in accordance with its privacy policy and all applicable laws. For more information about VMCH and how it manages your personal information, please refer to our privacy policy, which is available on our website.
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