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14 locations across Victoria
Principles of Montessori
Tailored to individual interests
Helping everyone adjust
If you care for someone, we’re here
Maintain your quality of life
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Independent living for over 55s
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Point Cook
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Skills, confidence and friendships
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Accommodation across Victoria
In your home and community
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Allied health practice
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Coffee with purpose
Pieces handcrafted by participants
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Helping people with disability
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We are driven by a desire to celebrate the human spirit; delivering services that unleash the potential for all people through innovation and inclusion.
By making an online donation to VMCH, you’re supporting our residents and clients to live their best lives. We welcome all donations, large or small and are extremely grateful for your generosity.
You can direct your donation to a specific area, appeal, aged care residence, or in memory of a loved one.
Leaving a gift to VMCH in your Will, after friends and family have been provided for, is a significant legacy that will have a long-lasting impact.
We’ve seen incredible outcomes for older people, children and adults with disability, carers and people at risk of homelessness, through gifts in Wills.
We are committed to honouring your wishes by following the wording of your Will, so you can be reassured your gift is supporting people closest to your heart for generations to come.
Learn more about leaving a gift in your will or please contact our Grants and Bequest Officer, Sandra Rosano on (03) 9926 2407 or email sandra.rosano@vmch.com.au.
The Fawkner Fellowship is a special group of some of VMCH’s most loyal supporters – those who have left a gift to VMCH in their Will. The Fawkner Fellowship was established primarily to thank this group, during their lifetimes, for their generosity.
Members of the Fawkner Fellowship are invited to join us at special complimentary luncheons to meet with key VMCH staff and other invited speakers and hear first-hand about the difference their support makes.
If you would like to hear more about the Fawkner Fellowship, please contact Grants and Bequest, Officer, Sandra Rosano, on (03) 9926 2407 or email sandra.rosano@vmch.com.au.
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