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Meet James.
Four years ago, James Elkan walked into the VMCH Cre8 Shed as a shy and unconfident 19-year-old.
Today, the 23-year-old is crafting his own future – honing his carpentry skills, making friends, and building his independence – one project at a time.
Each week you will find James and other people with disability at the Cre8 Shed in Wangaratta, learning about woodwork and work safety, tool handling, design and project management.
Working together on projects and producing items to sell helps participants become more independent, learn practical skills, and meet new friends.
“I love creating new projects and sometimes taking them home to show off my hard work,” he says.
“The staff are like friends because we have a laugh, and they don’t tell us off. It helps me feel supported and I trust them, so I feel like I could talk to them about anything if I needed to.”
Donate to the Build a Shed Appeal
The shed has been so successful, that now we need your help to grow the program!
We hope to raise $80,000 for the purchase of tools, equipment and materials such as timber, saws, sanders and safety gear to help us set up two more Cre8 Sheds in regional Victoria and metro Melbourne.
Your donation will give people with disability a real chance to train and build a future. Please support this growing and vital program by donating today!
As a not-for-profit organisation, and a registered NDIS provider, we don’t receive funding for the infrastructure, materials, and other necessary start-up costs for programs like this. But we do like to go the extra mile for the people we support and do what we can to further enrich their lives.
Donations of $2 and over are tax deductible.
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