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14 locations across Victoria
Principles of Montessori
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For babies, children and young people
Allied health practice
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Pieces handcrafted by participants
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Join us for our supported group programs especially for young children ages 4 to 12 years. Our inclusive school holiday programs are great to add to your child’s holiday routines, and are designed to improve social skills, improve hand-eye coordination, language skills, plus are a whole lot of fun.
Find out more about our July 2024 School Holidays at our centre in 400 High Street, Kew, Lego connections and Rhythm and Music programs.
The afternoon activities group popular favourites are cooking, swimming, and bowling, however, bushwalking, art, games, and many other activities are all on the cards in this program which has a strong emphasis on socialising and skills building.
The school holiday program runs for six hours each day, in every school holidays. Each school holidays there are one or two camps and many activities. Activities include snow trips, gold panning, laser tag, Melbourne camp, trampoline world, and Sovereign Hill camp. This year we have some exciting new activities you have never tried before!
Our Cre8 shed in the Wangaratta industrial estate is the birthplace of untold new creations each week. We work together on projects and produce items to sell. We learn about woodwork and work safety, tool handling design art and paint, and project management on large and small scale projects. Key skills including the following instruction and working together are the main focus of everything we do. Afterschool on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Thursday for secondary school students.
View Cre8 junior brochure.
As a registered NDIS provider, we ensure that our services meet the NDIS Practice Standards and Code of Conduct, offering you piece of mind and quality supports.
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