Disability Services
Support Coordination

Support Coordination

Get the most out of your plan

NDIS Support Coordination

Our Support Coordinators want you to get the best out of your NDIS plan, so we'll connect you to service providers who offer the best options matched to your needs.

Putting your NDIS plan into action

We work with you and your chosen providers to make the most of your NDIS plan. Together, we will work out how to get the support to suit you.
  • First, we'll meet with you to discuss what services you need. We'll contact providers and put some options together, so you can decide what services you want to use.
  • When you’ve made your choices, we’ll support you to get your plan into action.
  • You may want to change your support provider or refocus where you spend your funds – we can help make change happen.
  • We can help with your plan review or prepare reports for your annual NDIS meeting. Together, we’ll build your confidence to help you get the funds you need.
  • Our team of experts, who are based in Ararat, Melbourne, Shepparaton and Wangaratta, really know disability services inside and out.

Learn more about the support coordinators in your local area. We have an amazing team of highly skilled professionals to help put your plan into action.

Specialised NDIS Support Coordination

Our Tier 2 and 3 specialists are available for people and families with more complex needs during times of crisis or situations when they are managing services across multiple organisations.

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Registered NDIS Provider

As a registered NDIS provider, number #4050000577, we ensure that our services meet the NDIS Practice Standards and Code of Conduct, offering you peace of mind and quality supports.

Certified social enterprise

We are recognised by social traders as a social enterprise, Australia’a only social enterprise certification

Share your feedback with us

We’re committed to upholding the rights of the people we support, and we strive for excellence and continuous improvement.

Get your Disability Services questions answered

See how we can help you on your NDIS journey.
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