Support for carers

Mental Health Carers Support Group: Inner East

Carer & Support Groups: Tue 1 April 2025, 10:30am - 12:30pm

Meet new people and get support

Come and be a part of our warm and welcoming monthly peer-led support group for carers of loved ones with a mental illness. Enjoy a coffee and a friendly chat, share valuable information, meet service providers, and make new friends in a supportive environment.



First Tuesday of the month:  10:30am – 12:30pm



Canterbury Neighbourhood Centre, 2 Kendall St, Canterbury


EOIs close:

No closing date.

More events you may be interested in.

Online Event

Tue 17 June 2025, 7:10pm - 8:00pm

Weekly Evening Relaxation

Make time for you once a week to wind down and relax with meditation facilitator Barbara.

Metro Event

Mon 30 June 2025, 12:30pm - 2:30pm

Lunch at Rosana Bistro and Bar: Werribee

Come and meet other carers in your area and make new connections over a relaxed set two-course lunch at the Rosana Bistro and Bar.

Regional Event

Thu 26 June 2025, 12:00pm - 2:00pm

Lunch at Lady Bay Resort: Warnambool

Sometimes it can feel like you’re on your own in your caring role. Come and meet other carers in your area and make new connections over a relaxed lunch at Lady Bay Resort restaurant.

Metro Event

Tue 27 May 2025, 10:45am - 1:30pm

PROV tour for history buffs: North Melbourne

Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) is the archive of State and Local Governments in Victoria. An archivist will take you behind the scenes to the climate-controlled vaults holding over 100 linear kilometres of physical records from 1836 to the present. You will learn about how such a large and important collection is managed and preserved, and view some of its most interesting items. A must for history buffs! Followed by a light lunch at Mr Tucker Café.

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