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18 March 2020
The following information about the status of our services is current as of Thursday 24 March 2022.
The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has released a list of case alerts and exposure sites on their website. For the latest information, please visit www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/case-locations-and-outbreaks.
Unfortunately, due to the ever-changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, we may not be able to provide much notice before we suspend or change some of our services. We understand this is frustrating, but we are doing all we can to minimise the risk to the health of our clients, residents, staff and volunteers.
This page has our most up-to-date information regarding our impacted sites and services. Please check back regularly for the latest updates.
The health and safety of the people we support across all of our services is our paramount concern.
Our aim is to ultimately protect the health and safety of everyone in our care.
Rest assured, we are taking extreme caution with safety measures at all of our aged and disability services including strict cleaning, social distancing and hygiene measures.
All VMCH staff working at our residences and while providing services delivered in people’s homes in Melbourne are wearing face masks and appropriate PPE as per government directives. It is also a requirement that all VMCH staff are vaccinated for COVID-19 and influenza, with vaccination boosters, and we are currently working towards acheiving this.
If you would like more information on these restrictions, please contact your Residential Service Manager (Aged Care) or Team Leader (Disability Services).
For everyone’s safety we will manage the visits in the following ways:
Unvaccinated visitors are not permitted to visit inside a VMCH Aged Care Residence. Please speak to your Residential Services Manager to make other arrangements.
Each resident may have up to five visitors, if the visitor has returned a negative COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) result before entering.
Visitors will be required to wear N95 masks and face shields at all times (supplied).
Children are now welcome at all VMCH aged care residences. School-aged children are required to perform a RAT and wear a N95 mask and face shield at all times. Non-school aged children are not required to perform a RAT or wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), but we do ask that these children make their visit outdoors when practicable.
Visiting hours will be advised by the Residential Services Manager.
There are no limit on the number of visitors for end of life care, however only five visitors can visit at any one time.
If you intend to visit your loved one, please ensure you are not displaying symptoms of COVID-19 nor have been in close contact with someone that has tested positive to COVID-19.
Please contact your Residential Services Manager for more information.
Community spaces within our villages in Melbourne have reopened for fully vaccinated residents, as per State Government restrictions.
Please speak to your onsite manager about COVIDsafe plans and social distancing rules.
Open house inspections are available, please contact us for more information.
Personal and domestic services are necessary for healthy living and we continue to provide these services following strict procedures and measures to protect your health and minimise risk, including wearing face masks while in your home. Please note: VMCH staff are required to be vaccinated for COVID-19 and influenza as conditions of their employment.
In addition to these essential services, now may be the time to consider receiving services you have not required previously. The aim of these services is to help you continue to live as ‘normal’ a life as possible and may include personal shopping, cleaning, well-being check and social connection and technology/safety.
Before entering your home, our staff will ask you some key questions. This is to protect your safety and ours.
Please tell us if you have been in contact with anyone at risk of having COVID-19 before our staff come to your home. We also ask that visitors to your home are not present during our staff visits.
Allied Health online therapy sessions will continue, with face-to-face and group programs recommencing when government restrictions allow. Some face-to-face clinical therapies will continue for expectional clinical needs. Please speak to your therapist to discuss your circumstances.
Services are closed at Shanagolden Community Centre, Kialla House, Carinya House, and White Road Community Centre . Our staff have contacted clients and families to discuss closures and possible alternative supports.
The Multicultural Wellness Centre is currently closed and will reopen subject to government restrictions.
Disability day services programs, Community Connections at Gateway Kew and Balwyn, Gateway Wantirna and Gateway Mount Waverly have recommenced.
Our group activities have recommenced inline with State Government guidelines.
Our specialist disability accommodation is open to residents as usual.
We welcome visitors to our homes, subject to COVID-19 outbreak status.
Our children’s respite houses in Ivanhoe and Wheelers Hill are currently closed. Please contact VMCH team leaders for more information.
Group programs in the community have recommenced for current clients. Please contact our team leaders or Customer Service Centre for more information, 1300 698 624.
Day activities and school holiday programs have reopened, in line with State Government guidelines. Afterschool programs have reopened with specialist schools are back to face-to-face learning.
Please check with your VMCH staff contact for more information.
One-to-one supports or direct care continue in people’s home or in the community.
Our staff will ask you some key questions before entering your home and wear face masks while with you. This is to protect your safety and ours.
All support coordination services continue, however when possible support will be provided over the phone.
Early childhood and therapy online sessions continue, including some face-to-face therapy sessions. Please contact ECIS staff for more information and to discuss recommencement of face-to-face or group programs.
St Paul’s College, Balwyn has recommenced face-to-face learning on campus.
Case management and group programs continue online and face-to-face.
Unfortunately we are unable to offer face-to-face services to unvaccinated carers or care recipients, however we have an extensive catalogue of online programs available. Please contact our Carer Support team for more information.
Our op shops have reopened as per State Government directions. Upon entry we will ask to see shoppers vaccination status.
Our Volunteers have been welcomed back to some VMCH sites and Op Shops, subject to current COVID-19 outbreak status.
Thank you for your ongoing support. If you have any specific questions about our services please contact your VMCH staff member or service directly.
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