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The reasons why people are admitted to residential aged care can have a big impact on how well they adjust. Their experience can be influenced by whether they made a voluntary decision to move from their family home, or whether they felt they had little or no control over the decision-making process.
It is important to remember that the move can trigger a sense of grief associated with loss, and residents may lose confidence for a while, or may experience a period of depression during transition to residential care. However, with time and appropriate care, most people do adjust to residential care and to their new community.
At VMCH, new residents are assisted to continue with whatever activities provide them with fulfilment, purpose and meaning. This may be gardening, walking, regular access to cherished pets, craft or physical activities, discussion groups, singing (in their preferred language), music, dancing, laughter, painting, talking with loved ones, watching sport or movies, bocce, scrabble or reading.
For some residents, being introduced to like-minded residents can help them settle in. For others, having some alone time and privacy can help them adjust to the changes happening in their lives. Our staff understand it is important to be aware of what each new resident may need in terms of social connection or space, and that needs can change.
Many residents say they feel happier about being in residential care than remaining in their home. Feeling less lonely and more supported with their daily activities can help them feel settled more quickly. It is unusual for people not to adjust, and some people can adjust within a few months.
Personal resilience seems to play a big part, as does the degree to which a resident feels they were involved in the choice to move to residential care, and the trusted support they receive.
As a Catholic organisation, VMCH is committed to providing compassionate care in a nurturing environment to all residents and clients.
VMCH does not support and will not facilitate Voluntary Assisted Dying.
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