
About Us
VMCH Experience Charter

Guiding us to the highest quality care and support.

The VMCH Charter guides us to deliver the highest quality care and support to you, or your loved one.


At VMCH we support people from all walks of life, across our 50 local sites located in metropolitan and regional Victoria as well as Southern New South Wales.

We know many of you or your loved ones come to us in times of confusion, stress or with expectations of a brighter future. Our professional and compassionate teams understand this and are with you on your life journey.

This Charter guides us to deliver the highest quality care and support to you, or your loved one.

Living our Mission

Our Mission to continue the caring ministry of Jesus Christ, is central to who we are and what we offer. It comes to life through our everyday actions and in our work. We are called to really listen; we hear the needs of those we care for and we take time to discern what we can do to add meaning. This is how we support people to live their best lives.

You can find more about our Vision, Mission and Values and how they are integral to our work.

Our commitment to you

We aim to provide exceptional interactions and experiences that are consistently thoughtful, personal and easy, shaped around you or your loved one’s needs and wishes.

an elderly woman and her carer sitting together on a couch, laughing and drinking tea.

Our services

Our services include:

  • At-Home Aged Care
  • Residential Aged Care
  • Retirement Living
  • Disability Services
  • Carer Support
  • Affordable Homes
  • Early Learning and Therapy
  • St Paul’s College specialist school.

We are constantly looking at ways to improve, evolve and update our services based on:

  • Feedback from our residents, clients and their families
  • The changing needs and expectations of the broader community
  • Industry best practice
  • Regulatory guidelines and changes
  • Learning from our own experiences.

Our service standards

The services we provide are all about relationships and connections with others. Our Catholic values underpin our approach to relationships and are the basis of the services we deliver to you.

We are committed to providing services which:

  • Are based on a deep understanding of the whole person: your background, lifestyle, preferences, goals and wishes.
  • Include families, carers and guardians in all communication and decisions, where appropriate, and provide opportunities for family members to feel fully supported and part of the VMCH community.
  • Are outcomes focused (i.e., helping a person achieve their life goals), over and above the minimal required legislative service standards.
  • Care for you in a holistic way, including your physical, mental, social and spiritual wellbeing.
  • Enable you or your loved one to be as independent as possible; to have choices and a meaningful place in your community, with the respect and dignity you deserve.
  • Make improvements to technological capabilities where possible, so you have a more seamless and straightforward experience with us.
  • Communicate clearly with direct language, so that you always know what is happening, and why.
  • Provide the right training, work environment, resources and support so that our staff and volunteers are cared for and feel valued. So, in-turn, they can focus on delivering an exceptional experience and genuine care and empathy to you or your loved one.
  • Offer community centres and accommodation of the highest possible standards, with a constant focus on updating and maintaining our properties.

What you can expect from our team

We have in place a comprehensive capability framework and provide extensive training for our staff so they will:

  • Be exceptional at the role they have within VMCH.
  • Show an interest beyond their own role responsibilities to help you, and their colleagues, in whatever way they can.
  • Collaborate with you to support cultural and linguistic diversity.
  • Treat every person equally, with respect and compassion at all times.
  • Be honest, open and transparent in all dealings and interactions.
  • Display genuine empathy and care, and not let external pressures get in the way of the relationships and the experiences we create.
  • Be alert and proactive in identifying and responding to your changing needs.
  • Help to create and maintain environments for all members of the VMCH community to share and enjoy.
  • Be knowledgeable about VMCH and the services we offer.
  • Know how to connect you to other teams within VMCH if necessary.
  • Maintain regular communication, encourage open dialogue and respond accordingly to your changing needs.

What you can expect when you contact us

We know you want timely and relevant information. That is why we are making the following service promise.

When contacting us by phone, we aim to respond to you immediately or within six business hours. We will respond to all other correspondence within three working days.

If we cannot respond to your query within this timeframe, we will acknowledge your communication, let you know why we cannot fully respond and give you an estimated time of when you can expect a more detailed response.

Some enquiries are more complex and may require specialist knowledge, in which case we will connect you with another expert staff member. You will not have to repeat the information that you share with us during your initial enquiry, as we will pass it on, and they will respond accordingly.

Your privacy is important to us

Your information is held in accordance with the Privacy Act. This includes ensuring that your information is safe, regularly maintained and up-to-date.

We use your information to inform the services we provide and make your My VMCH Experience easy and seamless. For further information, see our Policy page.

Want more information?

If you would like more information about our services, please contact our Customer Service Centre.

1300 698 624

Customer Service hours

8am to 5pm Monday to Friday

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